
Archive for ‘ 2009 ’

医歯薬学総合研究科 熱帯医学専攻 2009年度9月修了 イェン ハイ ドアンさん(国立感染症研究所)

graduates3My name is Yen Hai Doan. I come from Vietnam.
Before I came here, I worked at the National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology which serves for maintaining a better public health state in my country, particularly with respect to various infectious diseases. The occupation I was engaged in before I came here required a high level of working knowledge in infectious diseases particularly prevalent in tropical, developing countries including Vietnam. This is why I entered the Master of Tropical Medicine course. A lot of advanced facilities were given to the students during this course. The lectures in the class as well as case reported in the hospital by the professors, doctors and invited speakers were really helpful to widen our knowledge in tropical infectious diseases and the related disciplines. From acquired knowledge and skills in master course, I came to believe it a right decision to get a higher and more advanced level of education in the PhD course in this school under the supervision of Professor Nakagomi. After graduated, I worked at Nagasaki University, School of Medicine as a tenure-track assistant professor. Currently, I work as a researcher at the National Institute of Infectious Disease in Japan. Here, I am involved into research activities of gastroenteritis disease in children. The skills I cultivated research practices and knowledge from MTM course are extremely helpful. This positive experience in my research career from MTM and PhD courses at Nagasaki University inspired me to seek a heightened level of involvement in new directions.

吉岡 浩太さん 平成21年3月修了 (JICA シャーガス病対策プロジェクト専門家 ニカラグア)


大石 博子さん 平成21年3月修了 (JICA 助産能力強化を通じた母子保健改善プロジェクト・カンボジア)

せん。またコミュニケーション能力も然り、語学はもちろんのこと人との関係づくりは、この仕事においても重要な点です。今までの学びと経験を統合し、実践でどのように活すかを学んだのが研究科の2 年でした。知識も経験も豊富な教授陣、多種多様な光る個性を持つ同期たち、インターンやリサーチでの多くの方々との出会いや支援を通し学んだことは、今の大きな糧です。現在はトレーナーの育成をしていますが、この一年間にグングン成長している彼らを見ていると、もっと多くのことを伝えたいと私自身も奮起させられます。まだまだ未熟なことが多く、青木前研究科長の教えの通り、日々勉強を積む必要があり、現地の方や他の専門家の方々から様々なことを学ぶ毎日です。



