
Archive for ‘ ヘルスイノベーションコース ’

竹原 由美子さん





Thanawat Khongyotさん

Short message from Thanawat Khongyot,

That is my best experience time living abroad outside my country. An unforgettable experience in Japan has begun.

My name is Thanawat Khongyot from Thailand. I graduated M.Sc. (Health Innovation) from the School of Tropical Medicine and Global Health, Nagasaki University.

Before I came here, “Tropical medicine” and “Global Health” were the main topics that I wanted to learn and bring this knowledge to develop the health system in my country. TMGH is the first school where I decided to come and discover these topics. I would say that “Experience-based knowledge” is one of my best appreciations. During my stay here, you can learn lectures from different disciplines worldwide in the international environment. You can get the best multicultural experiences with other students in the class. Health Innovation course is one of my recommended course to study. This course allows you to do what you want based on your laboratory and non-laboratory experiences. They also provided the extra-curriculum class for the students who wished to expand their skills and knowledge. TMGH facilities always support your research and academics, together with  NEKKEN (Japan’s most prominent tropical medicine institute). Honestly, I feel like TMGH is my second home; professors, administrative staff, and friends always care for and support each other. TMGH changed me to be different and stimulated me to be a good researcher. Thank you again for the best experience during my stay here.

Numair Tarek Abdelhamid Abdellatif Mohamedさん

graduates1I joined graduate school of Tropical Medicine and Global Health (TMGH) as a member of the MSc family – Innovative course. For two years, I have been learning the latest sciences in Global Health and medical sciences. I applied my gained knowledge to support and develop electronic health system in Egypt (my hometown country). All professors, colleagues and administrative staff supported us as students and as member of TMGH family. The learning experience in TMGH was professional, motivated, and inspiring as it enhanced my skills and abilities to think globally and in a comprehensive manner.
During my study, Professor Satoshi Kaneko (my supervisor) taught me a lot, not only science but also manners and way of thinking. Really, I am honored to learn from him a lot and to be one of the MSc graduates in TMGH. Such mixed educative family environment makes TMGH as a unique graduate school for Global Health pioneers.

井ノ口 美穂さん

graduates1過去に経験した国際人道支援活動を通しグローバルヘルスという観点は世界の災害や紛争、貧困に直面している人々の生活改善において主な懸念事項だと感じています。 本コースのプログラムでは地理的および経済的境界の限界を越えて、感染症および生活習慣病の分野における幅広いトピックを扱いながら基本的な知識やアプローチスキルを学ぶ機会を得る事が出来ました。
2年間のコースでは、熱帯医学やグローバルヘルスのさまざまな側面を学ぶための講義や実験研究を行う機会を得る事ができました。これらの経験は脆弱な集団への効果的な介入を行うために実験研究と臨床・地域社会間のより詳細で親密なやりとりが行われる必要性を強く感じると共に、その難しさも学ぶ機会となりました。また異なる国籍、専門、年齢、価値観を持つ級友や先生方との交流は違う集団に対し 必要とされる問題解決のための適切な アプローチ方法を考える機会ともなり、共に学んだ時間は大変 貴重な財産だと 感じています。
今後は国際人道支援、開発協力の分野において学び得た知識やスキル、経験を 所属組織や 介入を必要としている世界中の脆弱な人たちのために役立てていきたいと考えています。


