Hi ! This is Augustin Kabongo; I am from DR Congo. I came to Japan as MEXT student through embassy recommendation and joined TMGH in October 2021. Studying the Master of Tropical Medicine in TMGH was exciting. As other students, I got an exceptional international experience that I hope will help me in my future career. For 2021-2022 academic year, classes were interactive with students from over 15 different countries and courses were taught by experts in a well-equipped environment that facilitates learning process and advanced research with full support of the teaching staff. Now more than ever, I feel ready to face global health issues and tropical diseases. And for those who are interested in global health and tropical medicine, I strongly recommend joining TMGH, I strongly recommend joining TMGH.
I am Morichika Osa. I’m interested in Tropical medicine and entered MTM course. There were various experiences during this course. For example, I could have discussion (group work), learn subjects such as statistics, epidemiology which I haven’t learned systematically until then. Due to the pandemic of COVID-19 infection, I had tough time, however, I encouraged with not only MTM students but also MPH and MSc students each other and could overcame this hardship. Additionally, we could obtain Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (DTM&H). In this course, students can learn medical management of tropical diseases and deepen those knowledges through the practice. Finally, I really recommend MTM course to those who are interested in tropical medicine.
I am Yannick Munyeku, a Medical Doctor working for the DR Congo Ministry of Health. I went to Japan through JICA ABE Initiative as part of the human resources capacity building program. As a TMGH student, I had a rich and diverse experience. Courses were designed and taught to provide to students relevant knowledge to efficiently and comprehensively deal with global health issues across the globe and in developing countries specifically. As a MTM student, I have been able to strengthen and acquire competitive skills in biomedical research, epidemiology and clinical management of Infectious diseases while networking with colleagues, researchers, clinicians and academia from all over the world. I strongly recommend TMGH to health professionals who would like to endlessly work for a safer world where nobody is left behind.
私は顧みられない熱帯病の一つであるシャーガス病に興味を持ち,ボリビアとニカラグアへ行く機会をいただきました。ボリビアでは病院見学,カルテ情報の収集,血液サンプルのDNA 抽出を行いました。ニカラグアでは,シャーガス病を媒介するサシガメの家屋調査に同行させていただきました。良くも悪くも現地の実情がよくわかり勉強になりました。帰国後はMTM,MPh,MSc 同期とお互いの活動報告なども楽しめます。講義に関してはロンドン大学衛生・熱帯医学校との連携や著名な学内外の先生方が内容の濃い話をしてくださるので間違いなくハイレベルです。今後自分は長崎大学で博士課程に進学予定ですが,他の同期は臨床復帰や国際機関なども考えているようで選択肢は多岐に渡ります。MTM楽しいですよ。
MY name’s Gavicho Lindo Celestino, from Mozambique.After graduated at Faculty of Medicine, I worked as clinician at districtal hospital and simultaneously as administrative manager of the hospital and as clinical director, coordinating clinical activities all over the district with 15 health centers. I entered in Nagasaki University supported by ABE Initiative (African Business and Education for youth Initiative).
As MTM (Master of Tropical Medicine) I experienced four main pillars:
1. View of global medicine
2. As clinician how to conduct clinical cases focused in tropical or infectious disease.
3. Introduction of research, it was first experience and it motivate me to continue doing research as clinician.
4. Laboratory work for diagnosis.
I hope that from this very important experience and learning I achieved I’ll continue to combine clinical and research to meet the needs of health in the community.
Really the Nagasaki University – TMGH, is a Center of Human Building for Tomorrow.
(MINISTRY OF HEALTH, Provincial Directorate of Health in Zambézia- Mozambique)
What attracted me to TMGH then, after scouring the internet for graduate schools of medicine within Japan, were the MTM course’s flexible timetable, its use of English as the medium of instruction, its roster of high caliber faculty, its close collaboration with the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) and other prominent organizations, and my general perception of the school as a nurturing community.
My one year stay in TMGH as an MTM graduate student did not disappoint. I expected the coursework to be challenging and intensive, and it was. In retrospect, I think I enjoyed spring quarter the most, albeit having a hectic schedule. Sessions in tropical medicine, epidemiology and statistics equipped me with the right knowledge and skills to successfully carry out my master’s thesis with the guidance of my supportive research supervisors. Overall, there was a palpable intention to contribute solutions to global health issues within the school atmosphere that could easily rub off on students. Taking this course changed my perspective towards research, inspired me to aim for higher studies, and rekindled my childhood dream of making a difference.
My name is Yen Hai Doan. I come from Vietnam.
Before I came here, I worked at the National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology which serves for maintaining a better public health state in my country, particularly with respect to various infectious diseases. The occupation I was engaged in before I came here required a high level of working knowledge in infectious diseases particularly prevalent in tropical, developing countries including Vietnam. This is why I entered the Master of Tropical Medicine course. A lot of advanced facilities were given to the students during this course. The lectures in the class as well as case reported in the hospital by the professors, doctors and invited speakers were really helpful to widen our knowledge in tropical infectious diseases and the related disciplines. From acquired knowledge and skills in master course, I came to believe it a right decision to get a higher and more advanced level of education in the PhD course in this school under the supervision of Professor Nakagomi. After graduated, I worked at Nagasaki University, School of Medicine as a tenure-track assistant professor. Currently, I work as a researcher at the National Institute of Infectious Disease in Japan. Here, I am involved into research activities of gastroenteritis disease in children. The skills I cultivated research practices and knowledge from MTM course are extremely helpful. This positive experience in my research career from MTM and PhD courses at Nagasaki University inspired me to seek a heightened level of involvement in new directions.