Professor Kenji Hirayama

Speciality / Research theme / Keywords
Immunogenetics, ParasitologySupervision
Masters ProgrammeDoctoral ProgrammeQualifications
Personal/work Web page addresses
Research gate or Linked-in account links
Department of Immunogenetics, Institute of Tropical Medicine (NEKKEN), Nagasaki University
- 2001-: Professor, NEKKEN, Nagasaki University
- 1995-2001:Professor, Saitama Medical University
- 1989-92: Research Fellow, Harvard School of Public Health
- 1985-89: Medical Institute of Bioregulation, Kyushu University
- 1981-85: PhD course, Human Genetics, Medical Research Institute, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
Current roles: Course Director of Health Innovation, Responsible for Immunology and Biotechnology courses
Teaching experience: Course Director of Master of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki University Graduate school of Biomedical Science. Medical Parasitology, Clinical Immunology, Tropical Infectious diseases, Tropical Public Health, Research Ethics, Vaccinology, Clinical Product Development
Vaccine development for malaria, Dengue, and Chagas Disease using DNA or recombinant vaccine. (Hisamitsu, Pasteur Paris, European Vaccine Initiative)
Drug development for malaria and trypanosomiasis using compound designing or herbal medicine. (Astellas, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Institute of Natural Medicine Toyama University, Thammasat University)
HLA regulated Immune responsiveness against malaria, dengue, Chagas and Schistosomiasis. (Tokyo Med Dent University, Research Institute of Tropical Medicine, Philippines, Pasteur Institute Ho Chi Minh, Kenya Medical Research Institute)
The country/countries where you work currently
- France
- Germany
- UK
- Thailand
- Vietnam
- Myanmar
- Philippines
- Kenya
- Bolivia
- Paraguay
- DRCongo
Five MOST IMPORTANT/INTERESTING recent publications
- Iglesias Rodríguez IM, Miura S, Maeda T, Imai K, Smith C, Vasquez Velasquez C, Honda S, Hirayama K. Analysis of the Chagas disease situation in Japan: a cross sectional study and cost-effectiveness analysis of a Chagas disease screening program. The Lancet Regional Health – Western Pacific. 2022; 31:100574.
- Tayama Y, Mizukami S, Toume K, Komatsu K, Yanagi T, Nara T, Tieu P, Huy NT, Hamano S, Hirayama K. Anti-Trypanosoma cruzi activity of Coptis rhizome extract and its constituents. Tropical Medicine and Health. 2023; 51(1):12.
- Koonrungsesomboon N, Hirayama K. Editorial: Ethical and regulatory challenges in genetic and genomic research involving stored biological specimens. Frontiers in Genetics. 2022;13:1062188.
- Mizoguchi I, Katahira Y, Inoue S, Sakamoto E, Watanabe A, Furusaka Y, Irie A, Senju S, Nishimura Y, Mizukami S, Hirayama K, Nakamura S, Eto K, Hasegawa H, Yoshimoto T. A novel coculture system for assessing respiratory sensitizing potential by IL-4 in T cells. ALTEX. 2023; 40(2):204-216.
- Manh DH, Weiss LN, Thuong NV, Mizukami S, Dumre SP, Luong QC, Thanh LC, Thang CM, Huu PT, Phuc LH, Nhung CTH, Mai NT, Truong NQ, Ngu VTT, Quoc DK, Ha TTN, Ton T, An TV, Halhouli O, Quynh LN, Kamel MG, Karbwang J, Huong VTQ, Huy NT, Hirayama K. Kinetics of CD4+ T Helper and CD8+ Effector T Cell Responses in Acute Dengue Patients. Frontiers in Immunology. 2020; 11:1980.
I am teaching Biotechnology, Immunology with Prof Yui and Research Ethics with Prof Juntra. My research area is immunology, human genetics and product development in tropical infectious diseases, and I am currently interested in research that contributes to the prevention and treatment of tropical infectious diseases with high morbidity and mortality. Production of vaccines and drugs has been my dream ever since I decided to be a doctor. I realized that such research should be pursued as a joint team gathering the forces of academia, public domains and private sectors, the so called PPP. For more than ten years, I have been involved in such projects for the control of malaria, dengue fever, Chagas disease and schistosomiasis. I hope you will be interested in our activity.