Professor Ken Masuda

Speciality / Research theme / Keywords
Medical anthropologySupervision
Masters ProgrammeDoctoral ProgrammeQualifications
PhD in Social Anthropology
Research gate or Linked-in account links
School of Global Humanities and Social Sciences, Nagasaki University
Socio-anthropological study on history, socio-cultural dynamics, inter-ethnic conflict, modernization and development among the Banna in southern Ethiopia since 1993. Study on medical anthropology and medical pluralism since 2008. Study on population aging and elderly care since 2012.
- Teaching medical anthropology at TMGH and supervising master thesis at the International Health Development program. My students have carried out researches in Ethiopia, Kenya, Burkina Faso, Bangladesh, the Philippines, and Cambodia.
- Teaching Environmental anthropology at the Faculty of Environmental Studies and African Study at the School of Global Humanities and Social Sciences.
I am currently involved in research teams on global aging, especially focusing on future aging and social welfare in Africa. Both qualitative and quantitative research on elderly life, health, care and social protection will be carried out in East Africa; Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, and Zambia.
The country/countries where you work currently
- Ethiopia (1993-Now)
- Kenya (2012-Now)
- Tanzania (2015-Now)
- Nagasaki (2004- Now)
I have been carrying out anthropological fieldwork on tradition and the modernization process in an agro-pastoral society, the Banna, in Ethiopia, northeast Africa since 1993. Watching a small remote society connect with, and getting swallowed by globalization reveals both positive and negative aspects of “development”. I explore the ideal relationship between traditional culture and society, modernization and development through the anthropological approach to international healthcare.
Five MOST IMPORTANT/INTERESTING recent publications
Harada R, Imoto A, Ndunyu L and Masuda K. The reasons for and influences of unintended teenage pregnancy in Kericho county, Kenya: a qualitative study. Reprod Health. 2024; 21:143.
Miyachi K and Masuda K. A Preparatory Study of Care for Elderly Women in Rural Kenya. Arxiu d’Etnografia de Catalunya. 2021; 22:127-146.
増田 研・椎野若菜(編著)『現場で育む フィールドワーク教育(FENICS 100万人のフィールドワーカー第4巻)』古今書院. 2021.
増田 研「アフリカの高齢者ケアをめぐる「三つの神話」を問い直す:社会福祉と親族研究の接続領域から」、小池誠・施利平(編)『家族のなかの世代間関係:子育て・教育・介護・宗族』日本経済評論社. 2021; 285-312.
Masuda C, Ferolin SK, Masuda K, Smith C, Matsui M. Evidence-based intrapartum practice and its associated factors at a tertiary teaching hospital in the Philippines, a descriptive mixed-methods study. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2020; 20(1):78.