Visiting Professor Ikuma Nozaki

Speciality / Research theme / Keywords
Infectious disease ⅽontrol, Child healthSupervision
National Center for Global Health and MedicineQualifications
Research gate or Linked-in account links
Bureau of International Health Cooperation, The National Center for Global Health and Medicine
Ikuma Nozaki is an expert on public health especially in the area of infectious disease control and laboratory services. I have belonged to National Center for Global Health and Medicine in Japan since 2000, which is a core institution of Japan’s international health cooperation. I have been working in the area of global health especially on policy making and management. My recent activities include technical adviser for Zambian Ministry of Health on ART expansion from 2007 to 2010 and technical adviser for infectious disease control and laboratory services in Myanmar from 2013 to 2018. In addition, I was seconded to the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Japan in 2012, as a Deputy Director of International Affairs Division, to contribute for the policy making on global health. I received the B.E. degree in chemical engineering from the Doshisya University in 1993, the M.D. degree from Shisyu University School of Medicine in 2000, and Ph.D. degrees from the Kyorin University School of Medicine in 2013. I studied global health in Harvard School of Public Health as Takemi Fellow 2011-2012. Recently, I was appointed as Visiting Associate Professor of Nagasaki University. I was the recipient of the Japan Association for International Health, Young Professional Award in 2011, and Takemi Incentive Award in 2013.
I am supervising a Master’s Thesis.
- Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) awareness survey in Myanmar
- Tuberculosis (TB) data system development in Myanmar
- Development of health equity assessment tool based on social epidemiological survey for older adults in Myanmar
The country/countries where you work currently
Myanmar, Zambia
Five MOST IMPORTANT/INTERESTING recent publications
- Nozaki I, Hachiya M, Kitamura T. Factors influencing basic vaccination coverage in Myanmar: secondary analysis of 2015 Myanmar demographic and health survey data. BMC Public Health. 2019;19(1):242.
- Nozaki I, Tone Y, Yamanaka J, Uryu H, Shimizu-Motohashi Y, Sato N, Matsushita T, A Case of Malignant Melanoma Arising in Mediastinal Malignant Teratoma, Case Reports in Pediatrics, vol. 2018, Article ID 1306824, 5 pages, 2018.
- Nozaki I, Wada K, Utsunomiya O, Public views of health insurance in Japan during the era of attaining universal health coverage: a secondary analysis of an opinion poll on health insurance in 1967. Journal of Public Health Research 2017; 6: 884: 44-48
- Aung T, Nozaki I, Nwe Oo N, Kyu Swe K, Wada K, Yoshihara N. Reducing the risk of HIV transmission through blood transfusion in the National Blood Center, Myanmar. ISBT Science Series 2015; 10: 27-30.
- Kyaw LL, Nozaki I, Wada K, Oo KY, Tin HH, Yoshihara N. Lessons from the field: Ensuring accurate testing for human immunodeficiency virus in Myanmar. Bull World Health Organ 2015; 93: 42-46.