
前田 隆浩 教授






Nagasaki University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences


  • 1985 Graduate of Nagasaki University School of Medicine
  • 1985 Medical Resident of Nagasaki university Hospital (Hematology)
  • 1995 Staff Doctor of Goto Central Hospital
  • 2000 Assistant Professor of Nagasaki University (Department of Hematology)
  • 2001 Associate Professor of Nagasaki University (Department of General Medicine)
  • 2004 Professor of Nagasaki University (Department of Island and Community Medicine)
  • 2012 Professor of Nagasaki University (Department of Community Medicine)
  • Summarise career history: qualifications – what, when & where; research or work career – what, when & where and possibly why.


  • I teach rural and community medicine for medical students, dental students, and student nurses at the Island Medical Institute in Goto city. In Japan, the percentage of the population aged 65 years or older has increased approximately four-fold (from 6% to 26%) over the past 50 years. It is very important to understand the comprehensive medical care in aging society.
  • Outline current teaching and roles on TMGH courses
  • Summarise other teaching experiences – are you/have you been a course director? Teaching can also include experience in professional development training etc.


    • Epidemiologic studies about lifestyle-related diseases including atherosclerosis, diabetes, frailty and stroke


    • The measurement of carotid intima-media thickness using the echo


    The measurement of carotid-ankle vascular index using the VaSera


  • Island Medical Institute in Goto Central Hospital, Goto city, Nagasaki , Japan
  • The Department of Community Medicine, Nagasaki University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Nagasaki, Japan


  1. Shimizu Y, Sato S, Koyamatsu J, Yamanashi H, Tamai M, Kadota K, Arima K, Yamasaki H, Takamura N, Aoyagi K, Maeda T. Subclinical carotid atherosclerosis and hyperuricemia in relation to renal impairment in a rural Japanese population: the Nagasaki Islands Study. Atherosclerosis. 2014; 233(2):525-529.
  2. Shimizu Y, Sato S, Koyamatsu J, Yamasaki H, Tamai M, Kadota K, Arima K, Yamasaki H, Takamura N, Maeda T. Positive association between CD34-positive cells and urinary sodium excretion in elderly Japanese: The Nagasaki islands Study. Journal of Gerontology and Geriatric Research. 2014; 3(2) .
  3. TShimizu Y, Nakazato M, Sekita T, Kadota K, Yamasaki H, Takamura N, Aoyagi K, Maeda T. Association of arterial stiffness and diabetes with triglycerides-to-HDL cholesterol ratio for Japanese men: The Nagasaki Islands Study. Atherosclerosis. 2013; 228(2):491-495.
  4. Hayashida H, Saito T, Kawasaki K, Kitamura M, Furugen R, Iwasaki T, Hayashida Y, Nakazato M, Sekita T, Takamura N, Maeda T. Association of periodontitis with carotid artery intima-media thickness and arterial stiffness in community-dwelling people in Japan: The Nagasaki Islands study. Atherosclerosis. 2013; 229(1):186-191.
  5. Nakazato M, Takamura N, Kadota K, Yamasaki H, Mukae H, Kusano Y, Nakashima K, Ozono Y, Aoyagi K, Kohno S, and Maeda T: The association between atherosclerosis and plasma homocysteine concentration in the general population residing on remote islands in Japan. ACTA MEDICA NAGASAKIENSIA 55, 47-54 (2011)

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  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEbqtj0FaOo
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ks46w3mNAQE&list=PL88E9E5EA3BECE0D7
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  • Go into “My NCBI” and select My Bibliography – check it is correct
  • Then copy the public URL for your Bibliography (right click and select “copy link” and paste into profile document – test it.

